MenuSet SUB Action Defines the structure of your menus and defines the access keys associated with individual menu selections. Syntax MenuSet menu%, item%, state%, text$, accesskey% Remarks The MenuSet procedure uses the following arguments. menu% ----- An integer that identifies the position (from left to right) of a menu on the menu bar. item% ----- An integer that identifies the position (from top to bottom) of the menu item within the menu. If item% is 0, then text$ is the menu title. Other numbers indicate consecutive menu selections. state% ------ An integer that indicates the state of the menu item. Value Menu state that appears on menu 0 Disabled - appears in color defined by the disabled% variable set with MenuColor. 1 Enabled - this is the normal state. 2 Enabled with a check mark. text$ ----- A string that is the name of the menu item. Menu titles are limited to 15 characters; individual menu items are limited to 30 characters. accesskey% ---------- An integer that indicates the position, within text$, of the character that is used to choose the menu item. This access key is highlighted in color defined by the highlight% variable set with MenuColor. Use MenuSet to initialize the contents of your menus. A separate MenuSet entry is required for each item, including the title on each menu. Each MenuSet entry defines either a menu title or a menu item that is to be displayed and the state of individual menu items. Menu items can be enabled, disabled, checked, or even made invisible. You also can specify access keys for menu items to allow one-stroke selection. MenuPreProcess must be executed after a series of MenuSet statements or any time the state of a menu item is changed using MenuSetState. MenuShow must be re-executed if any change to the menu title has occurred. See Also. MenuPreProcess, MenuSetState, MenuShow Example See the SetupMenu procedure in the code example UIDEMO.BAS for a specific implementation.